B12 Injections

B12 Injections are the most effective and efficient way to reintroduce the vital Vitamin B12 to your system and increase your current levels.

Part of the natural Aging process we all experience, will include the reduced ability to absorb Vitamin B12 from our foods. The source of this vitamin is found in foods such as meat, fish and dairy. If your diet will not allow such food groups, ie Vegans and Vegetarians or you have a medical condition that dictates an intolerance to these specific food groups, it can cause a Vitamin B12 deficiency therefore B12 injections can be very beneficial. Those who have a diet containing a very high amount of calcium, like dairy products and fortified plant-based milks can also suffer with a B12 deficiency because calcium competes with B12 and interferes with it’s absorption. 

In order to absorb B12 from our food requires a substance from our stomachs called intrinsic factor, the production of which decreases with age. A number of medical studies have shown that from the age of 70 years old, our bodies have ZERO intrinsic factor and therefore we lose the natural ability to absorb B12. Due to this process, individuals suffering from stomach and small intestine disorders, such as Celiac disease, Chrohn’s disease and similar conditions, may be unable to absorb B12 from foods. People with chronic fatigue or anaemia may also require regular injections of B12 because the oral form is unreliable.

Vitamin B12 Injections are the most effective when given at regular intervals. A course of B12 injections can be tailored to your specific needs, however a general recommendation of one weekly injection for 4 weeks, followed by an injection once a month is advisable.

This is an intramuscular injection that only takes a few minutes and is painless. The most common site to inject is the bicep or a buttock cheek, although other possible injection sites include the hip area and upper thigh.

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The benefits of a B12 Injection are MANY. Here are just a few. Please contact me for further details: