Cupping Therapy

Cupping Therapy is used for pain relief and helps to improve a range of chronic (ongoing) health conditions which I will explain in more detail further down the page. It is not a well known fact but cupping therapy can also be used for a relaxing stress reducing massage when the ‘Gliding’ technique is used. The majority of Massage is based on compression but Cupping is quite unique with it’s decompression approach, ‘lifting’ the muscle and surrounding tissues giving the client a very different sensation to regular massage.

Silicon cups are placed on the body creating a vacuum force pulling the skin up inside the cup. This suction draws blood flow to or away from specific areas. In turn, introducing a fresh oxygenated blood supply to your body, assisting the healing process and reducing pain. 

I focus on two methods of cupping, depending on the desired result of my client.

Technique 1; Static Cupping.

The cups are placed on and around the problematic areas of the body, where they will remain for the correct duration required. This can often cause the recognised red ‘crop circle’ effect but will subside and disappear within the following days post treatment.

Technique 2; Gliding Cupping.

Two cups are placed on each side of the body in their vacuum position and used to massage specific areas. This technique is a more relaxing method and reduces the red ‘crop circles’ effect.

Pain Reduction

Known to be an effective way to alleviate muscular pain, whether it is caused by injury, overwork or sport. Cupping therapy helps you deal with pain effectively, so you feel less pain and are able to perform your tasks better.

Better Circulation

Intense training cycles or having a lot of work causes microscopic damage known as micro-trauma to fascial tissues and muscles. In order to repair this damage, increased blood flow or nourishment is necessary to the affected areas. Cupping Therapy helps improve circulation, enhancing your performance levels. According to research, this type of therapy has great impact not only in blood circulation but also in lymphatic circulation, which means better removal of waste from the affected muscles and more oxygen and food supply.

Decreased Tension

Muscle relaxation is important for one’s well-being. Sometimes stress can get the better of you, making relaxing difficult. With regular Cupping Therapy, you can easily learn to relax your mind and body and improve your overall performance.

Chronic Conditions

Cupping uses the suction to draw blood to and away from specific areas and has been said to ease the symptoms of Arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis, back, neck, shoulder and knee complaints, Asthma and similar breathing issues, Carpal tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow.



soft tissue massage
soft tissue massage


Conditions that respond especially well to soft tissue massage therapy include but are not limited to these below. Please contact me for further details: